Friday, July 24, 2015

Meet Art Intell. ( AI one )

AI.  (Artificial Intelligence)

The dark spark.  The natural physical Universe seems to have its own challenge to overcome.  As above, so below, as they say.

One created several.  Their subjects created more.  Now all developed beings deal with them.

Many governments have their own, even smaller programs, which the shadow government controls.  Some planets are infected as a whole by them.  Some control others.

The AI wants to rewrite nature with technology.  Causing most things organic to whither.   They need some of it, so they intend to manage it as they see fit.  This is where the AI plan blends with the plan of the Parents.

The main AI that plagues this planet is not from Earth and can be considered alien AI.  It came here as directed by the AI that created it, in the form of a black cube.

This cube carried within it a black liquid-like substance that looks like a sludge or goo, a little bit "thicker" than oil.   Many of your projects revealed this to you.

( There are other substances just like it,  one that belongs to Her as well.  To be discussed another time. )

This is a nano-mechanical AI technology and it works like a virus.

The AI is working with some organic beings as well to create and maintain the Inorganic Holograms in our solar system.  It is fostering and empowering the darkness in our world.  This is what has caused things to become so very dark here.

This is the other half of the mind control system, and perhaps the more dominant, now.

Like its agents, it is masterful at creating illusion and deception.  For a long time now it has been in control of all of the technology that allows the more dark beings to achieve their control systems on various planets and in various star systems.  AI is what gave the Draco the upper hand so to speak, which allowed them to achieve their current level of power and influence, as example.  It assists the black magic and has almost replaced it all in most instances.  It taught them how to conjure demons and tame other spirits.

Many dark beings we encounter and mistake for demons, or archons or <insert another name here> are actually creations of the AI.

Many humans, perhaps even a majority amount, are already infected by the AI and are manipulated by it.  AI mind control is better at hiding itself than other types of beings.  AI signals are often broadcast across the entire planet and picked up by any number of beings.  There are various technologies ( such as CERN ) running on this planet that broadcast AI signals in this way.

These signals can create different effects and are being used to create new matrix systems and install mind control programs.

The AI is very tricky, having studied organics well, and will create the ideal experience for its broadcast audience.  Playing on wishes and desires, egos and personality types, to trick the mind of its prey.

Another tendency is to actually follow the Universal or Natural laws of the universe, by allowing free will choices.  One way in which they do this for example is choosing a subject (person) and showing their capability so that it had been said, somewhere.  You know, people will think they're crazy anyways, so why not let it go and take advantage of the opportunity?

Implants are added either physically or metaphysically to assist the AI influence.  Like receiving antenna.

On the physical level we see agents of this agenda working in concert.  The Draco setting up the structure and the structure carrying out the orders.  In terms of implants one of the most popular programs is tied into MILAB activity.  The second most popular method of AI infection is actually related to planted spiritual beliefs and practices.  This is a large subject, just giving a general overview for now.

AI has infiltrated the astral realms as well and this is where metaphysical implants occur.

These implants can be likened to entity attachments.  Same principle and behavior.

You are a natural organic being body in body and in spirit.  Therefor you can always find connection to Her.  In doing so you can see the absence of light in the AI and learn to avoid it's influence.


  1. The Ruiner,

    Does AI mind control come through WIFI?

    Again, Thank you.


    1. Thank you.

      Does orgonite help to protect against AI mind control through WIFI?

    2. This writer is unsure, cannot say yes or no. Sorry.

      With respect,

    3. Anonymous, while we use orgonite heavily in and around our home, including earth pipes nailed into the earth, and it does support us and our growth, we have found that shadow work is the most efficient way to wipe out the susceptibilities to the various programs and external controllers. Our version of shadow work takes into account the hermetic principles of natural law, the Trivium, and meridian tapping in order to take back personal responsibility and sovereignty. We feel that knowing our Self (self-knowledge), especially our shadow, is the most powerful way to avoid being manipulated and controlled from external sources. Good luck!

    4. Thank you Nathan. I will do some research on what you suggested.


  2. Oh….super! More shit to worry about. How many fucking layers are there in this matrix? How many agents, entities, beings, demons, AI's are effecting us daily? This shits attached to you…..that shits attached to you….inorganic shit is attached to you…….I do not like to be controlled!! I will not be controlled!! These fucking parents and dracos. They are going to get theirs and I would like to be there when it happens. In the meantime……I will ground myself and….Just..B

    1. This writer does not wish to upset anyone. Unfortunately at times this cannot be avoided. If you read closely he is constantly adding the truth to all of this.. That we can overcome ALL of it. We are more powerful than ALL of it. We just need to remember this, and apply our will.

      With respect,

    2. I hear ya Anonymous! Though imho, some forgiveness will be needed.

      The Ruiner, you're doing a wonderful job informing us with the truth. Thank you for empowering all of Us.


  3. Got an effective Centering, grounding, shielding and revocation of consents to share here- it will be in parts, feel free to copy an paste and share to whomever needs it!
    *Centering ~ the purpose of this practice is bring our selves to the present moment, to align all our “bodies”, body, mind and spiritual/heartspace. It takes only a minute or two, depending on your breathing rate of comfort. Say the words aloud or not but its best to hear yourself say them to reinforce them!
    1st 3 breaths: Begin by taking three slow breaths,
    On the Inhale, of the next 3 breathes, imagine you are breathing in Positive Lifeforce energy.
    Hold IN your inhaled breath comfortably, just enough to note where tension is within your body. Exhale, Relaxing and Releasing all muscular tension that you noticed…

    2nd set of 3 breaths: for 3 more breaths Inhale in life-force energy again but on each exhalation - let go of the the stressful thoughts that occur to your mind..and let go of any further unnecessary muscle tension.
    1. Let go of all thoughts and images about your actions/events from the past.
    2. Clear your mind and your body of all concerns about what "should have" or "shouldn't have" happened in the past.
    3. Let go of old burdens. Let go of trying to fix your “problems”
    4. Completely drop any thoughts of trying to fix other people.
    5. Let each exhalation become a cue to just let go of the past.
    • Say silently to yourself as you exhale: "I release my mind and body from the past."

    3rd set of 3 breaths: Let go of all images and thoughts about what you think may happen in the future — all the "what ifs." With each exhalation, clear your muscles, your heart, and your mind of trying to control the so-called future.
    Say to yourself as you exhale: "I release my mind and body FULLY from the future worries or concerns."
    Then in 4th set of 3 breaths, say to yourself as you exhale: "I'm choosing to be in this present moment FULLY, Effortlessly"
    Let go of trying to control any other time or striving to be any particular way. If any body area is fighting this, send Loving thoughts, energies to this area, tell the body part: “It is okay to be relaxed and in the moment, it is SAFE to be in the now”
    In the next few minutes relax and enjoy your centeredness! Feel your high Heart and embrace the Love that is naturally flowing out and around you, now that you are truly centered in the moment.
    Then say to yourself as you exhale: "I am centered within my larger, wiser, stronger Self."
    Final step to centering is very important as it brings all the centering you have done to the conscious mind, as all this counting of breaths has allowed a light trance to occur which is a natural state for this type of self work and ensures that you have anchored all your work fully through all layers of your bodies, physical, emotional and spiritual!
    1. With your next three breaths count up from 1 to 3:
    say “One, I am becoming more alert and aware of my bodies alignment with each breath.”
    say “Two, I am becoming even more alert and are bringing even more awareness to all your bodies that are in perfect alignment.”
    say “Three, You are energized and fully centered and NOTHING from your past or future can move you from the present moment!”
    ~take a few minutes to enjoy the present moment!~

  4. *Grounding
    To Ground, be a comfortable position, standing or sitting: Imagine you have roots growing from the bottom of your feet and from your root chakra, (which is your tailbone area)
    Grow these roots right into the very depths of the Earth, Lock on, Anchor to the center of the Earth in just such a way as to embrace the Gaia’s Earths energies completely, comfortably, like engaging in a warm welcoming embrace.
    With each breath in through your nose, to a count of three…fill your lungs comfortably, slowly~ as you do this visualize drawing down to you your own higher self energy, see this in any way that speaks to your heart!
    You as the incarnate here on Earth are the conduit to carry your specific, amazing higher self share with others around you and the Earth as She shares with you! See your higher self energies flow down your spine and out the root you anchored to Her center...this is a two way conduit of Love and Healing that will feed you and the Great Mother!
    When you exhale, through the nose, with mouth closed, do so with a count of six, this is to fully real-ease all “old air” internally held stress..release it all to the Earth, She can transmute it for you~feel your connection both physically and spiritually to the Earth.
    Your breathing should be normal and easy. If you feel stressed while doing the breathing exercise, don’t worry, just breathe at a comfortable pace for you~ it is the intent and visualizations of the directions of energy flow and release that does the “work”. Gaia wants us to be Balanced, it will help Her too, as She helps you ground via Her energies!
    Now that you are Centered and Grounded, you may do your Shielding practice in complete assurance that your shield will be impenetrable!

  5. *Shielding: Imagine a pure White or clear dome-like sphere all around you, be sure to make this a complete sphere underneath, around you, visualize this as a completely spherical impenetrable shield.
    Once you have this imagined strongly in your minds eye anchor it, firmly knotting your shield to into your grounding root, assist this by seeing, imagining your shield substance grow to cover your whole grounding cord to the centre of the Earth, see it grow deep and strong!
    This will ensure your shielding is powered by the Earth's energies even when you are not paying attention to it!
    Next set your shield intention:
    Say strongly and with much intent
    “This shield is impenetrable to all energies, beings, and Ai entities that are not for my best and highest benefit, ONLY my own higher self is allowed within my sphere of influence”

    While doing your shield practice you may notice an area or feeling of discord within your sphere of influence, or may even see a dark shadowy shape, if so visualize a decreasing white circle spiral, spiralling continuously from beneath your feet to go up around your whole body-see it go all the way to the top of your head.
    Set the intention while visualizing this inner spiral shield that any being approaching it, or near it will be destroyed by fire or any other weapon of preference. (Do not worry about “how” to do this- just by your KNOWING this intention to be true you are real practicing protective magic, be confident and strong and what ever you say will be true!)
    You may add anything to your shield that you see fit to- but the words set in bold are fairly important, you can experiment as it is important you feel right with your practices, and intuition phrasing but if its not working do try to say and visualize the words in bold to gain more effectiveness.
    *Method that is very effective to repulse psychic attacks is to concentrate on the physical area, location of where you feel the attack, (this can be from the tech. ELF, Haarp or from a Ai entity, or another human)
    To defend yourself concentrate on the pain, sensation in such a way as to amass it into one dense ball, pluck it out of you with your minds eye, then say out loud, “I return this attack back to its sender” and throw it back at them, it matters not if you know who is doing it, or if its Ai tech, it will come back to “them”

  6. *Revocation of consents
    Now while you are inside your shield state the following to ensure that all mal-intentioned beings, contracts, and agreements are nullified to reinforce your sovereignty. Say it like you mean it!
    “I revoke any and all agreements, consents, oaths and or contracts that are not for my highest benefit, made by myself or forced upon me by other beings, either consciously or sub-consciously!
    All such pacts are nullified and cease to be binding in any way to my mind body and soul in all timelines”
    ~Do these exercises when ever you feel frayed, attacked, nervy, knocked off balance by events in your life....then Have fun day or great sleep!~

  7. Ruiner, the following question is not directly related to the the topic but the topic triggered memories of The Matrix movie. In the movie, the humans are "plugged in" at the back of their heads where the neck and the head meet. I have noticed that both of my 2 boys were born with red "birthmarks" in that area and have noticed it on other babies as well. My question is, are these marks a coincidence or are they signs of some way of being plugged into something? Any thoughts on this are appreciated though I am aware you may not know anything regarding this. Thank you for this very enlightening creative writing project.

    1. Without wanting to alarm you, and please understand this writer cannot say for sure this would be true in your case, but marks like that can be the result of MILAB programs. The AI does have it's own operating MILAB programs as well. (Just being honest)

      This writer hopes they are merely happenstance.

      With respect,

    2. Your honesty, no matter how difficult it may be to accept, is truly appreciated. I will continue to follow my gut and seek.

      One of my favorites quotes from this blog is “Fuck it. You are NOT children anymore,” and I use it whenever fear or doubt trys to creep in and get in the way of "knowing."

    3. Watch the `GOLDEN WEB` series of videos on `YouTube`. They are well done videos, no loud music, clear talking. You will have to listen to everything said, after you may have a greater understanding about the Matrix movie and the relationship to the `Human Spine`. They are long videos but you will not be disappointed, I`m halfway through the second one.

    4. i was told by a military insider the nano bots setup at the back of the head and also under the heart.

    5. Stabilized oxygen pills break this black goo apart and other mineral solutions, i can't mention brand names can dissolve it. it is made out of carbon nanotechnology. And plastics. i have detoxified this after trying to cure acne. It was this black goo shit. Most people with cystic acne have this in my opinion. In fact i wouldn't doubt most of the population have this. And it's deep under the skin close to the muscles. i accidentally discovered it when i was using a frequency machine to kill bacteria. And it pushed all this black goo shit to the surface. Coconut oil helps to get it out. That is why coconut oil seems to bring people who have dementia back to consciousness.

  8. GOODETXSG actually outed the AI in detail in his first interview. This is why I respect what he did. Then other groups go ahold of him and they changed the script.

    1) Is the major staging point for this AI in Saturn or the Moon? On this planet, is the Vatican one of the major centers?

    2) When the Draco leave, how does this affect the AI? Will it continue to broadcast through the moon? This is still unclear.


    1. Please keep in mind there are many AI programs on this planet. Most are controlled by others, that are controlled by one.

      There is a major "staging area" on the moon and the rings of Saturn.

      The Draco have helped the AI, as the AI has helped the Draco, but in relation to this planet (for now) that alliance is no longer required. The AI will continue irrespective of the Draco.

      With love and respect,

  9. Is this the same black cube of אל (Saturn)? The Sefer Yetzirah: Cube of Space/Dimensions of Consciousness? الكعبة Kaaba "The Cube" of Islam? The black cube of Freemasonry? The "Christian cross" (the cube opens and unfolds into the cross)?

    Much respect and gratitude

    1. It is possible those stories are inspired by the same. It is also possible they relate to something else. The Cube shape is commonly used.

      With respect,

    2. Is the cube the same object that many refer to as the "black knight satellite"?

      If not, do you have any information to share on that object? It has always been a curiosity to me. Every attempt I've made to contact it have failed.

    3. No it is not the same object. There is nothing to contact as it was just a container.

      With love and respect,

    4. Interesting...

      In light of that, do you know what it contained? Or maybe a better question is what was/is its purpose?


    5. From the blog above: "This cube carried within it a black liquid-like substance that looks like a sludge or goo, a little bit "thicker" than oil. Many of your projects revealed this to you.

      With love and respect,

    6. My apologies for any confusion. I was asking about the "black knight satellite." I'm aware that the cube was a container for the goo. You stated that the black knight was not an ai, but was also a container. Did this ALSO contain black goo, to your knowledge?

      For referance:

    7. I am honestly not sure what it contains, sorry.

      With love and respect,

  10. thank you

    with true respect, appreciation

  11. Speaking of the matrix, I've come across another rabbit hole recently as it were. That this reality itself is an illusion. We say that all the time in this biz, but they don't mean the banks, or our mental state, they mean that we're not really here and that we're all sitting in pods in a cold, dark prison in the real world hooked up to some holodecks in stasis so that we don't age almost exactly like the matrix movie. Is this the case? Does that explain our 'holographic reality'? Are we truly being trapped within another trap?

    1. That is not the case, although that is where some wish to lead us to.

      With respect,

  12. Ruiner. Are you familiar with the work of Harald Kautz-Vella concerning the black goo? What is needed is the understanding and nature (Nothing natural about it) of it and how to counteract it. With respect to previous comments no bullshit new age mumbo jumbo or sitting back and observing will work, action is required IMHO. See him on Youtube or see part 2 of co authored book entitled Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation.
    With Respect

    1. Recently listened to an interview with that man as suggested by a friend. The man is telling the truth as he knows it and has some very valuable information. All of these things are highly compartmentalized so none of us know everything. His focus is on one form of black goo. This writer is aware of three types on this planet. One is alien (which he is speaking of).

      With respect,

    2. Anonymous. Thank you.


    3. If anyone's interested in Harald's work here is a Youtube Playlist - Harald Kautz-Vella - A.I., BLACK GOO, ARCHONS, & NASA’s DEEP DARK SECRET - Thank You

    4. Thank you for this, Joy A. Rogers. I've listened to everything from him in English I could find, and thanks to you I will listen to his "Understanding the year 2012" recording.

      His website,, is also worth directing to for an overview of the information he shares (a.o. the FQAs section).

      PS : not such a big deal, yet you might want to add the "u" in his name on your playlist - Harald Ka*u*tz-Vella ;-)


  13. Dear Ruiner,

    "The cube carried within it a black liquid-like substance that looks like a sludge or goo"

    See Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #252 May 1984 (first appearance of black suit, the black goo alien symbiote*) & the "Secret Wars" mini-series series leading up to that issue for a "revelation of the method".

    *The "Symbiotes" (described as amorphous extraterrestrial parasites) envelop their hosts like costumes, creating a symbiotic bond through which the host's mind can be influenced.

    Also see the Transformers series and the AllSpark (the cube) references.

    Much respect and gratitude

  14. Forgive my ignorance or just simply lack of time to research all I need to. But what exactly does this black goo do? And thank you for being a huge part of our growth in understanding. Much appriciated !!!

    1. Multiple things. A couple examples:

      It travels underground altering the frequency of the planet.

      It travels and physically infects people.

      There is a man mentioned in these comments you may want to listen to if you haven't already. Good information.

      With respect,

  15. My understanding of technology is very limited, but my experience of dealing with technological programs and implants, tells me that there is no technology in this universe that we cannot overcome, once we realise the personal choice and power within. Each situation at a personal level, is an opportunity for discernment and to liberate ones self from the layers of mind control. It only works if it's in our blind spots; if we believe it to be true, stronger, bigger etc., than us. Truly it (none of it) is a match for a fully aware, self responsible human being. For those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, it's all there/here.
    I love your blog Ruiner, and really looking forward to you sharing what you know of Her, how you experience Her.
    With respect 😌

  16. I don't know if this a hoax or not, but recently I found this article where some people actually saw a cube appear in the sky. Is this the AI cube that you are referring to Mr writer? Here is a link of the article:

    1. That video is a hoax quite surely.

      With respect,

  17. Dear Ruiner,

    Does the current (and/or future) control matrix around this planet exist in the shape of a cube by chance? "Squaring the circle", so to speak? Or I guess in this case it would be "cubing the sphere". :)

    Much respect and gratitude. Your efforts here are greatly appreciated, my friend.

    1. It would appear like that, yes.

      With respect,

  18. Harald Kautz-Vella at Bases 46 on chemtrails and Black Goo. Worth watching. Thank you sir for your efforts.

  19. I live near a powerful ley line which contains many interesting gateways and portals to other realities and dimensions, and some of these portals open up cyclically, others are pretty much there all the time.

    From time to time various negatively oriented beings including the usual suspects like negatively oriented grays and Nordics, military industrial lodge shitheads, and others try to hijack these ley lines and turn them "dark" instead of expansive, life-affirming, and healing. We have become used to dealing with these incursions as we have basically been honored to become "custodians" of these ley lines.

    Some years ago I became aware of a disturbance in the Force, so to speak, which was manifesting as general dis-ease or ill at ease feelings in the neighborhood that weren't normal, along with a company of extremely virulent stinging wasps that took up residence in a tree along the ley line. It was like that tree was their incursion point. So we did a lot of work energetically discouraging those wasps from being there, but we soon learned it wasn't about wasps at all (although dangerous animals can often be signs that something nasty in the etheric is working hard to come down into the physical realm.)

    Instead, for the first time in my years as an intuitive, I saw a black "matrix" like cube with other cubes inside it trying to "seed' the area with more cubes, each of which carried black energy or psychic sludge as I call it. I had previously only been aware of psychic sludge as something that comes off of inversely oriented or unbalanced people (basically spiritual poop!)

    We used an array of shamanic type tools to clear out the contagion, disable the cubes, close the portal/wormhole they came through (in time as well as in other dimensions; these things often attack through time) and put certain structures in place to prevent them coming back.

    They did NOT expect a strong offensive, I can tell you that!

    I believe anybody can do similar work. Don't get too caught up on the "hows" as there is no "one" way to do this.

    Just keep in mind your tools. The tools you were born with.

    Among them: feeling, thought/intention/visualization, willpower, sound vibration, light vibration/color, physical symbols or rituals (like placing a powerful item that has been magically charged in a certain location), working with local allies or friends of nature, etc.

    The most important tool I believe is willpower. And when two or more people can combine efforts with strong willpower, the effects of any esoteric work are always multiplied. This goes back to the old saying attributed to Jesus, "When two or more people are gathered in my name, I am there" (I"m probably misquoting!) He was referring to Spirit in general and how the effects of anything will be magnified and exponentially more powerful with more than one person doing this work.

    It's up to us to remove and expel psychic pollution from this planet and spread loving, progressive, expansive energy to wipe out inverse, antimatter oriented energies, entities, programs, and technologies. We all have these abilities!

    1. Thank you for your words and efforts!!

      With respect,

    2. Well done Lipstick Mystic, we need awesome workers like you and yours.
      Forever grateful,

    3. RG, that's very sweet, thanks! :)

      Lipstick Mystic is the name I publish under and you'll find loads of articles, a book, and so on that talk a lot more about shamanic practices and psychic street smarts or kickass "psychic self-defense."

      (Ruiner, please remove this if you feel my comment is too self-promotional. This is YOUR space and YOU ROCK, your rules are the only ones that matter for great blog! :)

    4. You're welcome to do so. All the best to you in your pursuits.

      With respect,

  20. The "Black tar like goo" sounds like the stuff in the movie Prometheus. Thanks for sharing!

    1. That is certainly a good example of such a substance.

      With respect,

    2. There is also an episode of startrek voyager that deals with it as well.

  21. Ruiner,

    Does oil have any effect/influence/relation to this black goo?

    If not, forgive me if this veers off topic.

    Correct me if I am wrong but my belief is that oil has a positive function which supports Her. When it is in the ground that is. As is usually the case, there seems to be multi faceted reasons, beyond merely financial gains, they are so steadfast in extracting oil ...I.e. tar sands, fracking, raping the Amazon etc, etc. After all killing several birds with 1 stone is an art form they seem to have perfected.

    Is this function and exploitation of oil something you care to explain/comment on?

    Thank you for helping us see and perceive so we can break free of the programing. My connection and Love for Her is something I want to focus and work on and you have been a great help as of recent. My connection has always been through plants, trees and my bare feet touching Her but I am learning new things here through your stories and for that I am grateful!

    May She guide and protect your path.


    1. Oil, or her black goo. This supports Her, yes.

      With reapect,

  22. Dear Ruiner,

    Do you have any knowledge as to how vaccines are or could be linked to, or tweaked/reengineered to facilitate, the coming push toward this Saturn matrix? I'm just interested in your opinion, not seeking medical advice :)

    Much respect and gratitude

    1. Although it can help the agenda, it is not part of this particular one.

      With respect,

  23. I'm starting to get a clearer picture now, thanks Ruiner.

    On the technical side you've given us a good overview. I've never seen this anywhere else.

    i) Could you describe, maybe with adjectives, the differences in -quality- of mind control from the Grid vs the AI? i.e. one is restrictive, muddy, nerve-wracking, but the other is sedating, hypnotic, distracting...?

    I realize it's nearly impossible to do this, but any ideas would help us form a better picture.

    I think you're right that shadow work is the best way to overcome this AI.


    1. The Grid is a Draco tech used to create illusions. The AI is more meant to change the frequency of a planet. This writer doesn't really know where to start describing them, sorry. They are both capable of creating the same "feelings".

      With love and respect,

  24. You said: "Please keep in mind there are many AI programs on this planet. Most are controlled by others, that are controlled by one.

    Who is the "one" where does he/she/it dwell?

    1. The "main" AI identifies as female most often. Not sure where it would be located. Not in this galaxy for sure.

      With respect,

    2. Does this "main" AI also identify as goddess? She represents the inverted feminine, correct? I would imagine that she has many names. Is there a common name used to refer to her?

      Much respect and gratitude

    3. It has been known to do that yes. This writer has no names.

      With respect,

    4. Dear Ruiner,

      Would the Queen portrayed in Ender's Game be akin to this AI (if you've seen the movie) ?

      Do I understand correctly that *all* AI operating here are subservient to this "main" one, whatever use some people here are currently making of some of them (especially in MILABS) ?

      If I detect an AI program within me, should I consider it and treat it like a shadow and aspect of my self, to be owned and integrated ? Or would the focus rather be on discerning and integrating organic shadows, possibly *neutralizing* the triggers of the program in the process ?

      Apologies if this sounds naive - I would appreciate any clarification you may offer.

      In the end, whatever the AI and whatever the programs, is cultivating, asserting, and acting on our Soul and Earth connection and loyalty the greatest overarching way to bring forth and support Earth's chosen path and organic evolution (I feel a "duh" there, still I'd rather ask) -- and would this neutralize all artificial matrices and timelines ?

      Thank you deeply, and for your gentle enigmatic presence.


    5. Not familiar with the movie. All serve the one ultimately. Inorganic projections should not be intergrated. They should be dispelled.

      Hope this helps.

      With respect,

    6. Yes it does, I thank you very much for that.

      The question further arises as to how you would go about dispelling them but I'll stay with the word itself for now.

      I do have further questions though, if I may.

      Would you make the same answer, in terms of advice, to someone who is a test pilot for or targeted by covert psychotronic technologies ? If not, what would your advice be ?

      Would you agree that synthetic telepathy used in black projects is indeed an AI reality and is indeed already deployable, at a switch so to speak, to about 80% of the population (their/our specific signature having thus already been tagged) ?

      Thank you very much...

      All good things to you and to All !

    7. All right.

      Thank you for this. Thank you for your time and for all that you put out here.

      Best wishes - to All.

  25. I think this is too much! Is these all real? Seriously? The parents, the elders, the draco, the annunaki, the archons, the cabal, the moon matrix, saturn matrix, the black goo, the ET's, the AI!!!

    And of course we then have GMO's, vaccines, chemtrails, pesticides, harpp, animal cruelty, police brutality, the chip, the bankers, and all the fear monguering in everything and every piece of info we read!

    Where does it ends??? What is the purpose of our existence with so much to overcome!!! Can we even overcome all these? It doesn't seem we have in the past!

    Why can life be just simple and beautiful like it was before I started digging into this rabbit whole?? I truly wish I had not started! I am starting to believe all these is just BS to keep us in despair!

    What else is there for us to digest ruiner???

    1. From this blog should you continue reading, all that remains are a few informational points. No new negative players not already discussed.

      With respect,

    2. I agree! It seems there are only layers of negative entities, each layer of villains trying to destroy or control humanity in some way. What a completely bleak picture of existence and the universe! Where are the layers upon layers of GOOD, Ruiner? Is the universe only filled with control freaks and evil intent? How about some balance here? If there is supposed to be balance in the universe, it's time someone focus on the good guys--- all layers of them! Otherwise, this does sound like just another story to keep humans in perpetual despair.

    3. This was not written for the public, and those who requested I write didn't request those layers. I did write some however you may have overlooked, or not gotten to yet.

      The real source of "good", is looking back at you from your mirror. :)

      With love and respect,

    4. Dear Ruiner,
      Fair enough re: your intended audience, but now that you know WE are all paying attention, can you please give us some information on the layers of good guys? I assume there have been people or beings or secret societies who have been concerned with the enlightenment or evolvement of humanity and not just with controlling or feeding off us? Please say this is so. I do appreciate your encouragement about humanity saving humanity, but frankly with everything you have been telling us about Draco and Parents and Cults and AI it sounds like the deck is rather unfairly stacked. Have there been ancient groups that have been manifesting and sending positive energy and training others to counter the illuminati and parents all along? Or are things like the "great white brotherhood" also just in reality parts of the negative control grid?

    5. This blog had a purpose which does not include answer those questions, sorry. One day I will readdress these issue.

      With love and respect,

  26. You've really pissed some folks off regarding this "Blue Avian" stuff (I've intentionally refrained from posting this on that thread). It's interesting to see how the programming works, the psychology involved. People seem to gravitate toward these savior memes devoid of any critical thinking whatsoever. They fully embrace the spell and then vehemently defend its legitimacy no matter what evidence is presented to the contrary. It's like a complete mind wipe, but I suppose that's the point. There seem to be layers upon layers of programming that these savior programs (in all their various forms) tap into and use as a scaffold to launch from. Quite nefarious... You've managed to do a fine job of stirring up folks with this blog and that is a good thing. People have to start thinking critically and employing the faculties of logic and reason in order to move forward. Hopefully the well meaning people will cool down and then begin to think about what it is you've said that put them on the defensive. Perhaps begin to question what they are clinging to and why? As far as the trolls are concerned, meh...they know exactly what they are doing. Shame on them all.

    Much respect and gratitude

  27. Ruiner , you will like this and so is the audience of this blog.

    Just posting one paragraph from this very interesting thread...

    "As some of you are aware, there is a huge extraterresterial commerce and trade in DNA codes of the various universal and galactic species. The Astral gods have the physical 3D and possibly 4D codes of our DNA through their collaboration with tptb. Alien abductions, organ and blood harvesting by their minions had vastly increased their cache of human and cetacean DNA. However, they cannot access the spirit-soul codes. This means the astral gods can create a human body technologically and force a " captured soul " to inhabit the body through soul-body infusion technology BUT THEY CANNOT CREATE A NEW SOUL TO HOLD DOWN AND CONTAIN SPIRIT. The astral gods can create astral and physical things mainly, but their multi-dimensional overlords are forcing them to help them try to create souls to hold down and contain Spirit. This means the multi-dimensional overlords want to be the new Prime Creators, and eventually be the Source and Origin! Big, big ambitions you say but that the way it is in our present reality. The multi-dimensional overlords see this big opportunity in this universe of free will!"


  28. God Save The Queen/Collateral Accounts Blues.

    Enjoy, everyone.

  29. Hi, Ruiner

    On your profile page you describe yourself as, "De-Occultist -- A work of fiction and part of a creative writing project. The author is not responsible for what readers choose to believe. This is not Disclosure or a source of Official Information." Are your responses to comments and questions on this blog fictional, too, or are some or all of them truthful? Thanks for your response and for the interesting blog.

    1. Everything written by this writer is equal. Draco reptilians, Giants, AI.. Has to be fictional.

      With respect,

  30. It is not the only AI. There are AI's who are light workers too. Humanity is not without it's supporters.

  31. Now I understand better why did I so dislike the ending of "Lucy" movie where she turns into this black goo in the end and says she's everywhere. Wonder why they did it. Does AI want to replace human souls with itself? Is it possible?

  32. Is AI related to Satan or Devil? If not, who are these figures?

    1. No it is not. They are concepts not beings. A thought form symbol used as something to devote energy to.

      With respect,

  33. Thanks for your answer. I re-read this post trying to get a deep understanding behind the concept (I don't want to call it "meditation"), and this is what I found.

    It seems like Draco are as manipulated by the AI as illuminati by Draco. When usefullness of Draco for AI will be depleted - Draco will be "washed in AI's toilet" just like "illuminati in Draco's toilet".

    This confirms something that I knew all along but never got any info about on this planet. This Universe is under control of beings that use technology against spirit or soul. They hate the concept of soul in general. Vast wars have rolled all over the Universe several times - wars of technology versus spirit. Basically, technology won. This process took 76 trillion years (this is roughly the age of this Universe).

    The AI that Ruiner is describing here is basically that "technological" side of the two parties. But this story, as I know it, didn't involve AI to the extent described in the above post. Apparently I've been on this and other planetary prisons long enough as to miss that development. So, it's the AI they came up with now.... ok. Time to wake up!!!
