Friday, July 17, 2015

The Attached

There are entities attached to this planet that seem so difficult to explain that we have developed a great deal of different names and characteristics to be attributed to them.

The most popular name is Archons.

Some say they are alien or ET.  All planets have these beings whether they hold other life or not.  The only reason your writer feels it fair to call them alien is they are not natural but rather attachments, that have come from somewhere else.  There is much speculation over where this,  somewhere else,  actually is but your writer does not feel this is important.  What matters is they were here long before us.

As conscious beings they are very much like us in terms of having personality, although perhaps billions of years has made them bitter, twisted and malicious beings.

They do not have what we have.  The physical form.  Flesh, blood.  They have shape without size and energy without boundaries.  Thoughts and feeling with limited ability to act or function, alone.

Which is where we come in.

Archons need us to experience and act for them.  Puppeteers vicariously living through their puppets.  Much like we witness in most other beings, their strength of will, their thoughts, feelings and motives,  vary from each other.  At the same time they are united.  They help to feed each other just as they do themselves.  The even fight to defend each other.

These beings will work for others also if the other is able and willing to feed them, whatever it is, they desire.  We cannot call this sustenance.  It's more like it gives them purpose.  That said, they are tricky beings to understand.  Their wants are not our wants.

The Draco have utilized them heavily.  The Parents created something much like them for the same purpose.  To disrupt and disturb.  AI technology has also been known to behave in a very similar way, (your writer has heard some claims the Archons inspired the creation of AI to begin with, although he is not yet sure if he agrees) and the shadow government also mimics them for the same reasons.

Identifying them correctly can therefor be difficult.  Names, names, names..

For those who can tune their vision to properly see them they would appear something like an insect, sea creature, or reptile.  They over lap and blend together, increasing and decreasing in size, from too massive to fully see, down to microscopic.  Sometimes too many cluttered together so you cannot make out any one from the bunch.  Sometimes you may see only one you're focused on, or who is focused on you.

They can make you see whatever they choose.  Until you learn to see through this at least.  They play the role of many others to deceive and confuse, or manipulate and cause to act.

( How?  Knowledge, you can find, and practice, which can be quite dangerous.  At times is simply enough to KNOW it as an illusion, with out seeing through that veil. As can be said of any type of enemy, learning them is important to survival  )

Most commonly they influence thoughts and feelings.  They are likely responsible for a majority percentage of insane people.  Like a computer virus they infect the mind and eventually spread (if unchecked) into the heart.  Becoming a parasite like attachment.  They can even create your dreams.

Why the Draco studies, mimics, as well as uses them, should be obvious.

Others do as well, as mentioned.   Several magical practices and disciplines utilize Archons and call them by other names.  Another side effect of the abusive use of Archons and their general actions is the creation of demons.

That one hit home, didn't it my friends?

Often a species entire behavioral patterns are dictated by the Archons of the planet.  Their influences often dismissed by populations as instinct or as "part of their nature".

It becomes part of the responsibility of the true keepers of each planet (the life forms She supports and brings into full being) to turn away the Archons and force them into starvation.  That topic could be a whole other writing and so your writer will leave you to contemplate.

There is a counter balance, of course, to all of this.  Although these beings need us too, they only do so as long as we feed the Archons.

Removing parasites can be tricky.  There is much information around to help in this regard.

The Archons have accomplished terrible and incredible things on the various planets they are attached to.   They are not meant to be here but they are.  Something we will have to address in our own time.  They are attached to this planet.  Attached to Her.  She does Her part until we can match her efforts.  The side effects we will succumb to until we reclaim our responsibility of sovereignty.

The current can drag you under and you can drown.  This does not mean you leave home to find a place without water.


  1. There is no doubt in my mind that these entities are mainly responsible for clinical depression and anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mental disorders. I also suspect that they take advantage of people by infiltrating their body and mind after being weakened by certain diseases, such as alcoholism.

    In 2012 I came down with Lyme Disease after being bit by a tick. Ever since then, I fell into a deep state of depression and anxiety that continues to the time of writing this comment. The disease weakened my immune system, gave me arthritis at the age of 22, and messed with my memory capacity. I literally have no motivation to do anything anymore, and all of my passions, desires, and goals that I had before the disease are completely gone. The simplest of tasks seem like the greatest of chores, and all I want to do is lay in bed all day.

    I used to be the most optimistic person in my circle, and I was an avid fighter for the environment and humanity's evolution. Now, I have seemingly lost all will to survive on this planet. Every day horrible thoughts enter my mind out of nowhere, and all I can focus on are negative thoughts. It is horrible, and it is clear to me that these thoughts are not my own.

    My girlfriend is an alcoholic, and when she drinks, she turns into a monster. Her brain becomes so ruptured that she displays characteristics of Smeagol transforming into Gollum. Her alcoholism obviously has spiraled her life out of control into deep depression, alienation, anxiety, and despair. She says things to me when drunk that I would never even think of saying to my worst enemy. The next day she is the most sweet, loving person in the whole world.

    Both of us have had inter dimensional experiences our whole lives, and have had contact with ETs. I have been involved with a benevolent group, but we suspect that she has been tampered with by Greys. We both know that our souls do not originate from this planet, and we greatly suspect that we are being targeted for this reason.

    It is horrible. I once had great faith and optimism that humanity would gain back its sovereignty, and I used to be so full of energy and passion to do whatever I could to help. Now, it is all gone, because of my chronic depression. I know that I need to take steps to make myself better, but it really is easier said than done.

    My testosterone levels have dipped down so low that it is unbelievable that I can still call myself a man. It is arrogant and misleading for the Draco, Parents, or Illuminati to say that humans have a level-playing field. This just is not so.

    This comment is just meant to serve as a case example, so others know what these entities can do. If you wish, any comment from you, the Ruiner, will be appreciated. I will do my best to check for entity attachments and take all the necessary steps to live a healthy life, but any further advice will help.

    I will never give up, and I will ever be a warrior for humanity. But I do need to climb out of this hole to help make a difference. You can NOT keep me down forever!!!!

    1. Iodine, specifically Detoxadine, may help. There is some evidence it helps against Lyme. At your own risk. Not medical advice..

      Best Wishes.

    2. reallly sad to read your story. Mine is similar but less dramatic and it seems that I am now overcoming all the health and psicologic problems I have faced all my life but specially the last 7 years.
      You like me are a warrior and never surrender but you should ask for help to those benevolent ets you mentioned.
      As you, I am an starseed and must complete the mission and also have contact with some beings out there so I wish you luck¡¡

    3. Please read into the subject of MMS

    4. You are not alone. The hole can be climbed out of. Sadly, my own experience with addictions made it clear to me that even my own sobriety was not enough if I maintained a close relationship with someone practicing. I urge her to see the likelihood that she must remove the elements from her life that allow these entities a doorway in. If not, it is not only herself that is sick... but you, her loved one, as well. My thoughts are with you both.

    5. So sorry to hear about your depression. My heart goes out to you and your gf.
      I have Lyme disease also (ticks are believed to have been weaponised, that's why it is almost impossible to get rid off LD, research Plum Island).
      I probably had it for decades, as the last known tick bite occurred in childhood. Shortly after I became suicidally depressed and this carried on until about a hear ago.
      What helped me was a healing art called VortexHealing.
      If you can, have sessions with a practitioner that has trained to "Merlin's Grace" level, as that's what's needed to knock out the Lyme. That should get you into remission.
      Unfortunately so far VH hasn't been able to get at the dormant aspects, so it can potentially regenerate.
      I'm also in contact with someone who's now symptom free after taking Serrapeptase and Lauricidin (Monolaurin). If interested join this yahoo group

      Although having Lyme disease is debilitating and caused me much suffering, I'm grateful for the experience.
      Without that kind of desperation I would never have looked that seriously into spiritual growth and into waking up and becoming free (Liberation). It was a blessing in disguise!

      I pray that the two of you get better soon!

      With all my love <3

      Try this website for natural remedies..good luck.

    7. Google salt and vitamin C protocol. I had lyme disease last year. This protocol with regular saunas and exercise cleared it. It dislikes heat. I also stayed off sugar and alcohol as much as possible. These feed the bacteria and parasites that make up lyme disease. The patent for this can be traced to US military which is why the disease is so 'intelligent' and buries itself in cells when it senses antibiotics. You can combine this with the Bob Beck protocol based on treatment using low voltage electricity, oxygen and magnetic pulses. You can buy or build your own. With discipline you will improve.

      I've had the 'same' girlfriend' as you too. Amazing until she had a drink. If the parasitic entities can't attack you they'll try it through those close to you. If she's open to this try making her aware of the solutions. Living from the heart and in the moment is very empowering. It would be a shame for 'demonic' entity to wreck an otherwise loving relationship. I wish i'd know this back then. Good luck.

    8. Hello, I am the one who made the comment about me and my girlfriend being targeted by dark entities in the first post.

      Firstly, thank you all for all of your suggestions. It is greatly appreciated, and it is good to see that the Ruiner's blog here is indeed benefiting his unintended audience.

      To be a bit clearer, I accidentally astral projected myself next to a very important public figure in the U.S. while they were in the middle of a meeting, and a week later I received a focused psychic attack in the middle of the night while sleeping. I suspect that it was one of the magicians guarding the public figure, and I also suspect they conjured a dark entity to attach to me.

      Because of the Lyme Disease weakening my channels, it was easy for the entity to grab hold. It has been an ongoing battle the past two years, and it overpowers me when I experience traumatizing events, such as rejection, fear, anxiety (obviously).

      I recently won a battle with the entity and have again reclaimed my free will. No longer will this entity be a problem for me, and nobody should ever let these entities influence you, control you, or hold any power over you.

      It is easy to tell if your thoughts and feelings are your own. If you have no reason for you to be feeling and thinking the way you are presently doing, then it is very likely that you are being influenced.

      Be Gandalf, bathe yourself in White Light, and cast away the Darkness. Do not let these entities take hold of your heart, and once again reconnect the union of Heart and Mind. Hint: Look into The Emperor card of the Tarot. :)

    9. Have done the Lyme dance for years and years.

      There is definitely an entity or entities possession that seems to go hand in hand with it.

      Desert Alchemy, a company that produces various flower essences specifically manufactures an essences called Depossession. It has worked miracles in my life and in several others that I know dealing with Lyme. It noticeably has the ability to help break the grip and get your mind and life back.

      There is an overlap as well with Lyme and parasites in general. What we often think of as just being chronic Lyme infection is in all actuality a much broader takeover by a multitude of parasites through out our bodies. Lyme, I believe as well as these other parasites are a means by which we are all being held down and also manipulated mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically as well. So many overlaps, it never ceases to boggle the mind.

      Whatever you do, don't give up.. There is aid to be had. But if you are unable to think outside the proverbial box, then there will always be limitations.

  2. The sh!t we are in is just getting deeper. If only one can be born enlightened.

    1. Check out Carla Fox at Quantum Stargate. She removes, aliens, entities, implants, trauma patterns, genetic patterns, etc.

      Or read her blog (Carl Fox's Blog) if you want a sense of who she is and what she does, before you book a session, or not.

      She actually gives some basic techniques that you can start using immediately that might help, such as the grounding and core essence techniques.

      Good Luck, I have been there and there are ways out of it.

  3. "The current can drag you under and you can drown. This does not mean you leave home to find a place without water."

    Without Water

    I have slowly drowned
    but with no water in sight,
    I try to keep my head above
    but im slowly sinking out of

    I struggle, I fight that which
    is slowly flowing over me,
    Im trying to keep a float,
    this is now my hell.

    I am drowning with no
    water in sight, do I give in
    let it take me, or fight and keep
    myself afloat.

    One day I will learn to swim in
    this ocean that is drowning me,
    no water in sight, but for now
    I am drowning in despair, I hope
    to never give into always fight.

    1. Never surrender, I believe there is a frequency shift coming. We all feel this oppression, we are the ones they wish to target. Love and Light you will get through this

  4. Do you think when people have ocd these guys can be responsible? I ask because I help people overcome ocd. Is there anything you can recommend I tell them to counteract this? I obviously can't tell them this story.

    1. This writer is not sure and cannot advise. It's certainly something they could consider, that the thoughts that lead to this behaviour, is not their own.

      With respect,

  5. Hello Ruiner,
    do you know if these inorganic beings are capable of inducing a feeling of immense love? Like love for all creatinon/surroundings.
    And do you belive/know if a truly noble organizations exist on planet Earth? Like The Great White Brotherhood from Godfre Ray King's book series.
    Thanks for everything.

    1. They could, yes. There are such groups. Many of them.

      With respect,

  6. Another informative read – thank you.
    (1) Many people in mental asylums believe they are the reincarnation of Jesus (or whoever) here to save humanity– would this be an example of Archon interference?

    (2) Are Archons related in any way to moles that appear on the physical body? Children usually are more connected to their soul knowingness and have less moles and attitudes.

    With love and respect

    1. 1) yes.

      2) this writer doesn't think so or have any information that would say so, no.

      This writer is covered in moles.

      With love and respect,

  7. Do you have any opinions about the Gnostic myth reconstructed about how the Archons arose as a result of Sophia descending from the Pleroma and hitting the outer reaches of the Pleroma--the Dema. This fall from the Galactic core into matter, according to John Lash's work has to do with Sophia actually accidentally creating the archons( like aborted fetuses) due to the depth of her plunge from the Pleroma. One may use the analogy of a split off "terror of emotion" from Sophia herself actually created the archons. Sophia became the Earth but the archons supposedly are part of the solar system and predated humans on this planet. Archons have energy and mental thought and even emotion--envy--that drives them to desire to control and corrupt purity of spirit.

    The only modes I am aware of to help release these parasites are clearing traumas, pent up emotions, building energy and awareness, and not reacting to "drama hooks" that infected ones lure you into to stay in the game. Are any of the Parents or Family members concerned about their fate if they don't deal with this problem?

    1. Whether She created them, or the universe created them matters not to this writer. They are here.

      The Parents and Families are not concerned, no.

      With respect,

    2. Are the Archons the Djinn, from Muslim tradition ?

    3. No, unfortunately Djinn are a totally different animal.

      With respect,

  8. Dear Writer,
    can you elaborate on what the "Archons" feed on ? And is it possible to tell another name that is used to describe them so that we can crossreference ?
    With respect,

    1. No other names come to mind, people do tend to mistake demons or djinn or other entities for archons at times though.

      They feed on us, physically and energetically. Our trauma and our decay.

      With respect,

    2. In Castaneda books, mainly in The Art Of dreaming, the author/his teacher described a realm of inorganic beings. And the nature of these beings. I found it a very informative read. I'm pretty certain that this is another name for them.
      Best wishes.

    3. Just thinking out loud, perhaps "Biophotons" might lead towards part of the answer?

    4. Definitely a good idea to learn about this ;)

      With love and respect,

  9. I am thinking the archons sound like the gen ,are they one and the same?
    thanks for your efforts of clarity

    1. This writer is not sure as he is unsure what you are calling "gen".

      With respect,

    2. My guess is the questioner was referring to the Djinn (which I have also seen written as Jinn). Some etymologists connect this word to "genie" (sometimes gennie) and thus this may lead one to encounter the word "gen."

      If I am correct, you addressed this just above.

    3. " gen" [ djinn ], The question of truth or a lie , do you have a tool to know the difference , we seem to be working in a world of lies. ok if you choose not to answer this one ,just it appeared to be passed by . thanks for your in put Best to you

    4. This writer is not here to teach these things, sorry. You know the truth when you're free from influence from those who would prefer you believe lies.

      The trivium is a good place to start.

      With respect,

  10. Because of the different ways of control used in all aspects of our being , I have believed that "That one has to use this feeling [ answer] from your gut
    telling when you are dealing with truth or not " Is this true or do you have away of knowing a truthful answer or way in this distorted world of ours that you can share for us to step out of this swirl. Thanks for twinkles of light

  11. Interesting. I'm trying to get a picture of what life will be like after the grid goes, but the Archons are still here. We will experience some relief, but not total freedom.

    These are the type of questions that have been swimming in my mind all summer:

    1) What percentage of the dumbing down Matrix is down to the Draco grid, and what percentage is due to the Archons?

    2) Do you think the etheric plane will clear up a lot after the grid goes? I guess it will be much easier to bilocate to the paradise realms.

    3) Right now we are operating on (for example) 5 per cent brain power. After the Draco grid goes, do you think we will be operating on (for example) 30 percent power?

    My teachers told me life would become "like an anime movie" after the grid starts to weaken. In other words, more of us would discover our inner powers.

    Thanks for answering, if you get time.


    1. This writer cannot know the answers to these questions, but he has great hope this will all become true.

      With respect,

  12. Exactly, the people don't understand where the urge is coming from that've very hard time refusing it. Great article very informative

  13. How does space travel affect the Archon relationship? Does it break their influence?

    1. So is it like some sort of enlightenment experience for those elite who have the technological means to temporarily break-away (pun!) from the Archon influence? They get to see the actors in the play and then can use this knowledge to leverage the rest of us?

      I'm guessing The Wave will play an important part in regards to the Archons as well...

    2. Not really, no one is ever far enoug for long enough for it to matter enough.

      With respect,

  14. Casteneda talked about getting to the place of "inner silence" and state taxes the mind of these parasites. They have given us their mind so this taxes them to confusion and they flee. Once you are rid of parasites you can use your own energy for your own development. Do you think getting to this state of no-mind is the best technique or do you have others?

    1. You have power to remove them, push them away, and avoid them. This will require being mindful. There is no passive solution, one must stand against them.

      That said, many have a great deal to learn in order to remember how powerful they are in this way. In that you're on the right track.

      They do not belong on Her or you. Hold this conviction in your heart and enforce your own (free) will.

      With respect,

  15. from bloggers above:

    Hello Ruiner,
    do you know if these inorganic beings are capable of inducing a feeling of immense love? Like love for all creatinon/surroundings.
    And do you belive/know if a truly noble organizations exist on planet Earth? Like The Great White Brotherhood from Godfre Ray King's book series.
    Thanks for everything.


    The RuinerJuly 18, 2015 at 11:09 AM

    They could, yes. There are such groups. Many of them.

    With respect,

    1. Are the archons injecting overall feeling of love ?
    2. Are they then the basic ones, feeding on us, or are they then magical creations of humans? this makes me think of Tulas, throughtforms, etc.

    4. how come the Dracos are not overtaken by them? Or are they?
    5. And are the Illuminati's creation of similar as difficult to get rid of?

    6. The Great White brotherhood and its masters, are they, in your understanding, part of the Parents and Drac and Cabal group or not, knowingly or unknowingly? Are they part of the earth control system?
    Are they the one creating the love feelings and if so, why?

    Thanks The Ruiner, you are making things a clearer

    1. Every darkness has a balancing force opposed to it.

      With respect,

  16. Simon Parkes has said that he was advised by the Mantids not to eat garlic, and he said the Illuminati families do not eat garlic, thus intimating that we should follow their example, since they reportedly have better information than most on many such subjects. .
    There has been some controversy over this.
    Some wonder if we are advised not to eat it because it splits our consciousness and makes us easier prey to Archons or Djinn, others think that it repels Archons and other parasites, as in legends of vampires who are repelled by it.
    Can you advise us on this issue? It definitely seems to be be good medicine for specific physical ills, for detoxing, etc, but my question is, is it something that can safely be taken consistently as a preventative. or should we find other alternatives? If the latter, what would you recommend? Thank you.

    1. They say vampires don't like garlic.

      This writer consumes much of it and one member of the intended audience of this blog grows large amounts of garlic.

      With respect,

    2. What is your own experience with garlic? Perhaps that's your best guide. I love garlic by the way. Something about it... especially raw garlic, just seems wonderful to me so I eat lots of it. I have an affinity to "vampire lore" and something tells me that the view that vampires are repelled by garlic is a false myth.

    3. It's a false myth yes. It represents something else. That "vampires" prefer beings who carry infection. As it makes them easier to deceive and dazzle.

      With respect,

    4. Garlic and onions block alpha waves in the brain. Not recommended to get in a peaceful meditative state.

  17. I have been having experiences for several years with spiders (etheric). During sleep and when just waking during the night i see them running/ jumping on energy lines in the room, sometimes they are on my body/head. They seem to be feeding on the aura and target the head.

    I've researched a lot about this. They are different sizes and colour.

    I am an experiencer/ victim of mkultra mind control programming since birth (cult related) and I am trying to get to the truth about what these spiders are. I initially thought they were a parasite on the astral plane, then I thought the spiders were inside the mindcontrol programme and that I was seeing inside it. Some alters were created via torture with insects. Then another experiencer of mkultra told me they were Archons.

    They are unpleasant to see and they run and hide when they know I can see them.

    I also thought at one point they were morgellons related, which appears in my dreams. I'm currently using zeolite powder to help with itching from what I believe to be morgellons.

    If they are Archons that I see how do Archons relate to mkultra mind control programming?

    As you can imagine fitting together the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle is confusing, as it's made to be.

    Thank you.


    1. They taught humans how to do it.

      With respect,

  18. Could these Entities also be responsible for the Mysterious Animal Mutilations that are sweeping the world. One example is the phenomena of `The Half Cat Mutilations`. Your take on this would be most appreciated.

    1. They are part of the inspiration in some ways, but not responsible, no.

      With respect,

  19. I just found some interesting info here: ....which supports the idea there are deleterious effects from eating garlic. It seems like it might be a bad idea to take it consistently, though perhaps ok occasionally for a specific problem. Best wishes

  20. Being of 'higher' origin, the 'shadow' entities are 'visible' to me, so the idea of the invisible influence is negated considerably.
    I am one of several who are actively engaged in removing the adverse influences driving mankind.
    It is a great help to those of us actively engaged, to have you writing accurately on subjects many simply dismiss.
    I do hope our combined efforts begin to reap results in the near future.
    Looking forward to your next outing of the parasite problem.
    Until then, I offer my respect and support.
    Thank you,

  21. Thanks for answering.

    If the Draco are only enforcing one specific quarantine, what kind of quarantine are the Archons able to enforce? Do you believe that they are enforcing a partial no exit/no entry quarantine around the Earth with buried bombs? Or are we isolated because we are "not mature enough" to meet exo-races? I don't believe the latter explanation, but I'm open to any ideas.


    1. The archons are not enforcing a quarantine.

      Things are changing in terms of our apparent isolation.

      With love and respect,

    2. We are getting closer to a point where we can have more interactions. One way or another. This writer hopes it will be freely, without the "approval" of controllers.

      With respect,

  22. Dear Ruiner,

    Fear creates "cracks" or weakened areas in a person's aura that serve as attachment points for these entities, correct? I would imagine that these weakened areas allow energy to escape, drawing these beings toward you...much like a wounded animal attracts predators in the wild.

    Again, much respect and gratitude

    1. Yes, fear does open us up for attachments.

      With respect,

  23. Indeed those of 'higher' origin are the only ones qualified - by that I mean to say with legal access - to accomplish a positive outcome in this effort.

    With Gratitude for your share of it.

    1. This writer cannot agree that they, only, qualify to do so.

      With respect,

  24. Let me just say….JHC!!!!!! Something else to worry about? Seriously how many of these fucks are out there? I feel like a feeding machine they have at the cafeterias. Insert coins and get a sandwich! Insert coins and get a drink………..I am staying grounded and not giving in to them as best I can. Quick story: 2 weeks ago I was out in the yard with my husband, we had a little disagreement about something. As I sat there, I felt this unbelievable murderous feeling come over me!! Never had it before. As I sat there I breathed thru it waiting for it to pass. Scared the shit out of me!! I didn't realize what it was until 3 days ago. I was happy I did the right thing by not letting it get the best of me. I don't want that again but….if I do, I will know that was NOT ME!!! I told my husband about it last weekend and he just looked at me!! lol (he's not awake) so that was fun!

    Thanks for all the info. I learn something every time I read your blog whether it's intended for us or not. :-)

  25. Colloidal silver has been known to eliminate Lyme Disease.

  26. entire species? Such as, for example SHARKS. And the the worship of them thru a media event called " shark week" and movies such as the "Sharknado" trilogy?! Getting people to worship archons thru sharks? Tricky buggers, aren't they? :-)

  27. hello ruiner..been catching up on all of one who has gone down many rabbit holes, been fooled and started over again, so much of your writings resonate with me..I have been battling them all, I refuse to give in and I see humanity winning with our free will..I intend to keep on fighting them..I feel so connected to many who post here, your struggles to get us free, Free will is the way and I try to connect with Gaia all the time. I do have a question.. Your 777 after them name..I have used 777 after a single word for years, and I have a reason for that..was wondering why you use that...thank you..

    1. 666 is the control system. 777 is the work that can change the system to 999.

      With respect,

    2. thank you for responding, as stated using 777 after a word has been ongoing for me for years..the reason is a "vision" or whatever I had, seeing six boxes, and the seventh was opened with the number 7 showing, I have had seven show up a lot, so I just used the 777 for passwords, I felt it was important, something maybe to do with the universe, and maybe positive, 7th sphere, 7th box idk, maybe theosophy in there, just something..very interesting. thanks

  28. Yeah. This is my jam. Read a book once about an inner guide meditation where you interact with archetypes. They interact with our world, through us. ( Loosh - I have read elsewhere as the term for the energy that is being released by us and eaten by them.) the meditation was such as to forge a relationship with them. You could ask for a gift but had to return the favor as some form of task or sacrifice such as " stand on your head every day" or any number of requests . You may refuse what they ask and request a different task- something you felt comfortable doing. Purported amazing and positive changes if done properly. Yet sternly warned of potential dangers as these entities are inherently potent. Tried it a couple times years ago. Seemed an exceptional meditation to me at the time. And then somehow I stumble on this many years later. Goal is to starve or find a mutually beneficial relationship? Still seeking.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. These are from a non-material or dead/failed universe. Hypothetically. These attach to planets as carbuncle attach to a ship hull. They do not attach to what which lives, only feed from them en masse. You will see widespread changes in population due to them. Some fast and hunger deliberately, attaching to dead planets. Some regret, others seek to recreate their lost universe as it was; repeating past mistakes for they have limited capacity for change. Respect to you, Ruiner.

  31. In my own experience, the archons became known to me as 'Gretchen of Ind, are little known parasites that kill all offspring of birds'. This as I was waking up one day from a nights dreaming, where they were interacting with me, trying to interfere with my awakening process, like moths to a flame. Theirs is an endless and desperate existence, since they have specialised in 'us' and feeding off our energy, emotional/physical/mental. They can only operate in secrecy. Once 'seen' the game ...

    ' They do not have what we have. The physical form. Flesh, blood. They have shape without size and energy without boundaries. Thoughts and feeling with limited ability to act or function, alone'

    When seen, the game is almost over. Our task is attention to our mind chatter and any attached emotional states, linked to our experiences of trauma, conformity, survival, etc.

    Basically the true ground of adversarial combat is within the mind. Taking charge of ones mind is where all sovereignty lays. Good work. Great work. You are it.

    Great post and a good reminder of the continuing task of mindfulness. Thanks

  32. Ruiner what are your thoughts on orgonite. Could it help re the archons.

    1. Yes it can help. Help identify them and neutralize their energies. Help, not protect.

      With love and respect,

  33. Who was Sophia/Her initially? An entity?

  34. It's ok too. I wanted to ask... do/can you enter in or give information through dreams?

    1. This is possible, but not something I consciously do. Many people report back to me that they have conversations with me in their dreams, however, I do not recall them.

      With love and respect,

  35. Ok. I guess I wanted to understand the link between the dream I had with you and a dream from long ago. Also.. you have a strong sexy love appeal :)

    thank you with love and respect too

  36. One time I had this (astral) projection - I'm not an expert on that matter - I saw "dust particles" floating in my room... it was little like you see dust particles in sun light. I took one particle between my fingers and I felt "buzzing", it was like I had taken a bee in my hand. I have wondered for a long time what the hell they were...maybe archons? Or do you have opinion about this?

    1. Sorry but I am not sure I can narrow it down from many possibilities.

      With love and respect,
